The Best-Case Scenario Method


Hello and welcome to episode 235 of The Mindful Kind podcast.

In this episode, I've shared The Best-Case Scenario Method, which is all about cultivating more hope and positivity. 

Here are the steps for implementing The Best-Case Scenario yourself: 

  • Notice when a challenge or problem arises in your life

  • Observe non-judgementally if your mind starts to focus on negative thoughts

  • Ask yourself, "What is the best-case scenario?" and spend some time imagining it

  • Ask yourself, "What is one thing I can start doing today to move closer to the best-case scenario?" (And then do it!)

The resources mentioned in this episode include:

- The VIA Character Strengths Test:

2020 study about hope

My Medium article about catastrophizing 

Episode 203 of The Mindful Kind: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

- You can read more about best-case scenario and other CBT techniques here.

Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 


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