20 Fun Tips for A Simpler, More Meaningful Life


There are two ways to get enough.
One is to accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less.

- G.K. Chesterton


When I read this quote, it reminded me of how powerful it can be to cherish the things we have and become less caught up in “stuff”. However, I would like to add a third way of feeling like we have enough; to simply appreciate more of the simple and meaningful things.

I used to think life was about reaching all of my goals (in terms of how I wanted to feel, what I wanted to own and what I hoped to do) and then I could relax and forever enjoy myself and love life.

Well, first of all, how unfulfilling would it be to have the “perfect life” with no room left for learning or growth?

Secondly, I’ve slowly embraced the fact that I don’t need to wait for happiness, contentment, or gratitude, when I can find it quite easily right now. All I need to do is open my mind to what there is to appreciate and savour the small things which make a difference in my world.

So, here are 20 tips for creating a simpler and more meaningful life.


1. Write down 3
meaningful memories
before you go to sleep each night.

I love reading over my journal (which I’ve kept for almost a year now) and all the little memories which I probably would have forgotten as the weeks and months passed!

Click here to read my article about 5 inspiring ways to use a blank journal for more journaling ideas:) 



2. Leave a nice
comment on social

It always makes me smile when someone leaves a kind and thoughtful comment on one of my social media photos, so I try to make sure I give someone else that same experience.


3. Listen to an
interesting podcast.

I think it’s amazing that we have access to so much free knowledge, expertise and interesting ideas! Some of my favourite podcasts include The Good Life Project, The Slow Home podcast, The One You Feed and The Lively Show. Plus you can always checkout my podcast The Mindful Kind :)


4. Adopt a pet.

There aren’t many things more fulfilling in life than knowing you’re giving a safe and comfortable home to another living creature.


5. Meditate and
practice mindfulness.

There’s something truly refreshing about engaging in such a simple activity! If you would like to learn more about mindfulness, you might like to read my articles 101 Ways You Can be More Mindful in Everyday Life or A Meaningful Mindfulness Routine for Beginners. 



6. Understand more about
your relationship
with money.

It’s amazing to learn what motivates you to spend or save and why you feel the way you do about money. I highly recommend Kate Northrup’s book, Money: A Love Story if you would like to learn more about this! Denise Duffield-Thomas also does brilliant work in this area.


7. Set simple goals
to regularly work

You might like to listen to the mini goal-setting series of The Mindful Kind podcast for easy and fun goal-setting ideas:

Episode 81 // Goals, Mindfulness and Being "SMART"

Episode 82 // Goals You Don't Actually Control

Episode 83 // Fun and Interesting Goal-Setting Tips

Episode 84 // Inspiring Goal-Setting Activities

Episode 85 // Goals and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

Episode 86 // Celebrating Your Goals

8. Spend time alone
and put your phone away.

In such a busy world of connection and demand, I think it’s important to spend some time just being alone. Listen to your own thoughts and feelings, meditate, go for a walk, take a bath… It may feel uncomfortable at first because so many of us are used to having connection either forced upon us, or just within our reach via technology. However, I find that time alone gives me time to focus on what I need in life, come up with new ideas, explore new self-care practices, or just simply be.


9. Read books and
prioritise your own
personal growth.

You can borrow a great variety of books from your local library, download eBooks and listen to audiobooks. I personally love holding physical books and flicking through the pages and I like to support my favourite authors by purchasing their books for my own little library! A few of my favourite personal growth books include Be Mindful and Simplify Your Life by Kate James, The Art of Gratitude by Meredith Gaston, The Life Plan by Shannah Kennedy, Mindfulness for Health by Vidyamala Burch and Dr Danny Penman, The Happiness Trap by Dr Russ Harris and Stress-Proof Your Brain by Dr Melanie Greenberg.


10. Grow something!

A lemon tree, a kombucha scoby, a worm farm, a vegetable patch, a ginger beer plant, an herb garden… When I first started dabbling with kombucha-making a few months ago, I had no idea how exciting it would be to open up my first bottle of fizzy, tasty and healthy kombucha! It may seem like a small thing, but I was so proud of my creation and I now have a very healthy kombucha station, with two big scoby mothers and regular delicious drinks.


11. Go for an
adventure somewhere new!

Check out my Pinterest board, Mindful Spaces + Adventures for a few ideas.

12. Care for the
environment and make conscious

I believe every little effort makes a real difference, so I do my best to take reusable bags when I go grocery shopping, recycle and donate things I don’t need, use cruelty-free products, eat more local fruit and vegetables and put on warmer clothes (rather than turn on the heater). There are heaps (HEAPS!) of things we can do to help care for the beautiful world we live in.


13. Practice yoga in bed!

You don’t necessarily need expensive memberships, workout clothes, or large amounts of time to gently move your body. Check out this Youtube video for some ideas. 


14. Understand more
about your personality
and your love

This knowledge can help you embrace your values and know what you need in your daily life to help you feel good. You can take a personality quiz here or read about love languages here!


15. Send a thank you card.

It feels good for you; it feels good for the recipient. It’s just a nice thing to do!


16. Value creative

There’s much to be said for creative activities which allow us to express our ideas, have fun, learn new skills and connect with a more playful side of ourselves. I wrote more about my favourite creative activities and some simple craft ideas in this post.


17. Try cooking your
own food and
appreciating the
access you have to nourishing ingredients.

I really enjoy the simple act of putting together a meal for my family and it’s something I’ve learned to do quite mindfully! My favourite cookbooks are Neighbourhood and Community by Hetty McKinnon.


18. Put money aside for fun experiences.

Just last weekend, I spent $20 on tickets for my partner and I to visit the Cherryhill Orchards (you can see some of the photos here, here and here). To me, this adventure and quality time was really meaningful and I definitely think it’s worthwhile to spend money on things which help us feel genuinely happy!


19. Feel love and show love.

It’s not hard to do, but it may be easy to forget sometimes. Go to the little extra effort of telling someone you care for them, showing self-compassion, doing loving-kindness meditations, acknowledging and accepting compliments (while offering plenty to others!) and saying self-loving affirmations. Sprinkle kindness around like confetti, as they say:)


20. Spend time with like-minded people!

I absolutely cherish that feeling when I talk to people who are passionate about something I’m passionate about, have similar goals and experiences, or encourage me to do more of what makes me happy.