Get Ready for 2021: Set Awesome Goals, Apply Self-Care and Reflect on 2020


2021 - ready or not, here we come!

It’s almost the beginning of a fresh, new year and I hope you’re feeling excited, energised and enthusiastic.

But if you’re not, that’s okay, too.

I’m here to share simple strategies and fun activities to help you prepare for the New Year and tap into some fun and joy.

Appreciate & Reflect on 2020

First of all, it can be really meaningful to look back on the last year and appreciate both the good times and the challenges.

You might like to record your favourite things, like books, podcasts and movies.

You could identify the good things that happened, like adventures and moments that made you laugh.

You can also reflect on the challenges and the lessons you learned. Sometimes, the things we learn during the difficult times are really important and worth remembering!

In my free workbook: Appreciate and Reflect on the Year That’s Gone By, you’ll receive more than 40 powerful journaling prompts to help you reflect on 2020. You can grab your copy by entering your email below.


Set Awesome (& Realistic!) Goals for 2021

A great way to set awesome goals is to create small and realistic goals in a variety of different life areas. For example, you could set one small goal for each of the following areas: relationships, career, self-care, physical health, personal growth, hobbies, mental health and home.

A small self-care goal might be to do a ten-minute meditation twice a week.

A personal growth goal might be to listen to a self-help podcast episode once a week.

Try to write your goals down somewhere you will actually see them. You could keep a list of goals next to your bed or write them down in your planner or calendar.

For more goal-setting inspiration, be sure to check out the following episodes of my podcast, The Mindful Kind:

Episode 188: Goal-Setting Categories

Episode 83: Fun and Interesting Goal-Setting Tips

Episode 84: Inspiring Goal-Setting Activities

Get Cracking on Your Goals Before the New Year Actually Starts

Start incorporating your goals into your life before 2021 actually starts.

Sometimes, we put so much pressure on ourselves to start the New Year with great intentions and big goals…

But then real life happens! We lose motivation and stop implementing the goals that are important to us.

Take the pressure off having a “perfect” start to the New Year and instead, start experimenting with your goals early.

Maybe, by the time 2021 rolls around, you’ll already have a few goals well underway!


Start a New Journal

Over the last 2 years, I’ve started writing in a new journal at the beginning of the year.

The journal I’ve been using (and loving!) is called Curation by Saint Belford and it has just the right amount of prompts and space for me to document everything I want. Each night, I write down a few sentences about my favourite memory of the day (big or small) and I track my habits, like drinking 5 glasses of water and doing a workout/walk. You can use the discount code THEMINDFULKIND to receive 15% off the Curation journal and accessories!

I’ve also written a few different articles about journaling resources and techniques and you can click the links below to check them out!

The Best Journals for 2018 (with fun journaling prompts and powerful tips!)

19 Journaling Prompts to Help You Create Your Dream Life

3 Journals You Can Use to Enhance Your Wellbeing

Apply Self-Care

The holiday season can be overwhelming, stressful, sad, and frustrating for many people. That’s why it’s a great time to step up your self-care practices and try to prioritise your wellbeing!

If you have a copy of my book, The Mindful Kind, be sure to check out Part Three, which includes chapters about making space for self-care, using simple self-care practices and doing self-care more mindfully.

Otherwise, be sure to check out my article “9 Self-Care Activities So Effective I Do Them Every Day.”

Wishing you a wonderful start to 2021 and thank you so much to my lovely community for another incredible year!