11 Comforting Self-Care Strategies and Resources for Uncertain Times


I’ve come to believe that self-care is key in coping with challenging and uncertain times.

Taking good care of myself means I have the energy to support others. I schedule enjoyable activities in my daily life, so I always have something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. When I’m feeling worried or sad, I use strategies to process those feelings (instead of suppressing them).

I sprinkle little seeds of self-care throughout my days so they can grow into fun, enjoyment, relaxation, and contentment.

In this article, you’ll discover 11 comforting self-care activities for uncertain times (and a little bonus if you make it to the end!), plus some of my personal favorite self-care resources.


I write in my journal at the start of the week to set goals and acknowledge what I’m grateful for. Each night, I also write a few short sentences about my favorite memory from the day. For example, “I woke up feeling inspired about a new article idea. The dogs made me laugh as they chased each other through the grass. I did a relaxing yoga class while listening to rain on the roof.”

I enjoy journal writing because it helps me focus on my goals and important habits, while also appreciating the meaningful moments in my life.

I’ve also been publishing a variety of articles on Medium. I love learning, so I’ve been researching new ideas and theories, then writing my perspectives on them. I often wake up in the morning feeling excited about an article I’ve been working on.


Being Around Animals

Spending time with my two dogs and the calves (who belong to my mum) helps me feel uplifted. I like to sit on the grass with Alfie, one of the calves, and give his chin a tickle. I’ve been taking the dogs for longer walks to make the most of the sunshine. There are two goldfish in the pond outside and when I have a few spare minutes, I’ll just sit and watch them swim around.

Being around animals helps me feel more present and less caught up in my thoughts and worries. It’s a simple way to remind myself that there are opportunities for playfulness and light-heartedness, even during uncertain times.


Mindfulness Techniques

Sometimes, I can feel my stress starting to escalate as my thoughts continue down unhelpful “what-if?” paths. “What if the social isolation restrictions lift too soon and there’s another outbreak? What if the restrictions were too heavy in the first place and people lost their incomes unnecessarily? What if this happens again in the future?”

It can be overwhelming. Uncertain times often feel particularly challenging because we generally aren’t comfortable facing the unknown - our minds like it when things make sense. We feel soothed by predictability and clear answers. Over on the Better Humans podcast with Matt East, I talked more about uncertainty and strategies we can use to tolerate it.

However, one of the strategies that I find especially useful is mindfulness. It helps me slow down racing “what-if” thoughts and reconnect with the present moment. It also allows me to experience the small and meaningful moments in my daily life, like a delicious cup of coffee, a new leaf on one of my indoor plants, or a hug with my partner. Below, you’ll find some of my most popular articles and podcast episodes about mindfulness to help you practice it yourself.

Mindfulness Activities: Fun Ways to be Mindful (No Matter How Much Time you Have)

A Meaningful Mindfulness Routine for Beginners

Specific Mindfulness Practices (episode 132 of The Mindful Kind podcast)

Unexpected Times When You Can be Mindful (episode 154 of The Mindful Kind podcast)


Yin Yoga

Most nights, I’ve been rolling out a mat on my lounge room floor and using Humming Puppy online yoga classes to relax. I tend to choose yin yoga classes because most poses are held for several minutes, giving me time to slow down and feel calmer. I can wear my pajamas, use a bolster and cushions to feel supported, and keep my eyes closed. By the end of these classes, I tend to feel sleepy and relaxed, which is why I enjoy practicing yin yoga at night-time.



One Seat Meditation

I love this meditation because it’s really flexible. My mind can be clear and focused, and that’s great. My mind can be scattered and flighty, and that’s great. My feelings can be steady and clear, and that’s great. My feelings can be super overwhelming, and that’s still great.

All I do is set my timer for 15 minutes (but you can do this for however long you like) and just let my thoughts and feelings do whatever they want to do. Meanwhile, I try to stay curious and open-minded, so I can observe my mental and emotional state.

For me, this meditation only has one goal – to give my mind time and space to do whatever it feels like it needs to do.


Talking Things Through

I grew up keeping the majority of my thoughts and feelings bottled up tight. I poured my heart into my journals, but when it came to voicing my struggles out loud, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I still find it difficult to open up about my thoughts and feelings – even after nearly five years of talking about mental health on my podcast and years of counseling.

However, talking things through can be a huge relief (when you speak with a compassionate and non-judgemental person). It allows you to voice your concerns and gain new perspectives, feel less alone, and receive validation or support.

Here’s a great option if you’d like to talk things through and receive compassionate support:

BetterHelp Online Counseling*

BetterHelp’s mission is to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient. When you sign up with BetterHelp, you’ll answer a short survey so they can match you with an appropriate counselor within 24 hours (or less). You can choose to speak with your counselor via messages, phone, or video. *Please note this is an affiliate link and I may receive a commission if you sign up through my link.


Watching Fun Movies/Reading

Sometimes, it’s nice to switch off and become lost in a fun story. I generally avoid movies that are emotionally intense or violent (especially during challenging times). And, I tend to save these activities for night-times so I can still be productive during the day.

You can also find interesting resources to complete, like the self-care worksheets in this article on PositivePsychology.com.


Self-Compassion Practices

Lately, there have been two self-compassion practices I’ve been turning to, almost daily.

Practice One: Soothing Touch

When I first tried this practice, I felt a bit silly. It wasn’t a natural strategy for me, but it’s become one of my favorite ways to comfort myself when I’m feeling down or stressed. I place one hand on the center of my chest and gently move my hand in small, slow circles. For me, it feels reassuring and comforting. It’s a particularly great strategy when I’m on my own and I want to support myself through a challenging experience.   

Practice Two: Affirmations

If I notice myself being unnecessarily self-critical or feeling overwhelmed, I enjoy using simple affirmations, like:

“I am safe, I am loved, I am supported”

“I’m doing the best I can”

“I’m proud of myself for being resilient”

Talking to myself kindly helps me feel calmer and mentally stronger. It’s also a strategy that can get easier in time, the more you practice it.

Below, you can subscribe to my newsletter to receive a free collection of bonus affirmations to support you during stressful times, and to help you cultivate calmness, confidence, and gratitude.


Implementing Social Media Limits

As I mentioned in episode 229 of The Mindful Kind podcast (called Protecting Yourself From Compassion Fatigue), excessive social media use can have a negative impact on your wellbeing. I’m careful to limit my time on social media and I do my best to maintain the following boundaries:

  • Avoid opening social media apps one hour after waking and one hour before sleep

  • Stop following people or brands that share too much negative content

  • Connect with people via messages and comments rather than mindlessly scrolling


Prioritizing Exercise, Sleep, and Healthy Foods

This article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the importance of maintaining good physical health. Numerous studies have shown that wellbeing is supported by adequate sleep, regular exercise, and nutritious foods (and water). I do my best to prioritize all of these components in my daily life. I’m not perfect, but I know I feel better when I’m taking good care of my physical health.

In The Mindful Kind book, I share my own experiences and strategies with physical health in the following chapters:

Chapter 10: Simple Tips for Better Sleep

Chapter 11: Mindful Eating and Conscious Choices

Chapter 12: Moving Your Body


Helping Others

The final self-care activity for uncertain times is to focus on helping others. Why? Because generosity has been linked to higher levels of happiness.

A study published in 2017 found that people who committed to being generous experienced a boost in happiness. In the study, there were two groups of participants. Both groups were told they would receive weekly payments over four weeks. One group was told to spend the money on themselves, while the other group was told to commit to spending their money on others. After four weeks, the participants who committed to being generous not only showed stronger increases in self-reported happiness but their brains also showed more activity in the areas related to happiness!

The question is – what can you do to be more generous? You don’t need to commit to spending money if you’re not able to – there are many ways you can show generosity. You could make a delicious meal for a friend. You could offer to help out with more chores around the house. You could start a podcast or a blog to support other people. You could challenge yourself to complete random acts of kindness.


Bonus Resources!

Relaxation strategies can be really helpful during uncertain times because they can slow down your nervous system and allow your body to release physical tension.

My Relaxation Meditation Album was designed specifically to guide you into a state of relaxation via different techniques, including a relaxing breathing practice, progressive muscle relaxation, and calming visualization. All you need to do is grab your copy of the Relaxation Meditation Album here, download the meditations, pop in some earphones and let me guide you to relax.

You can also sign up for my FREE 7-Day Relaxation Challenge below! You’ll receive a beautiful (and practical!) workbook, email support during the challenge, and a deep breathing video class upon completion. Enjoy!